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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Are We Writing For?

This week, Entrepreneur Chick wrote about why we read and write blogs. It's a really good question. Reading the different blogs out there, you always wonder why they started writing, don't you?

Why do you read blogs? Are you satisfying that little voyeur deep down inside? Do you read to track trends, gather info, keep your finger on the pulse of an industry?

Why did I start writing this blog? To be honest, I started it to make my life easier. After my last relationship ended a few months ago, I began to find myself telling friends my latest bad date story over and over and over again. I don't mind, because I always manage to find the humor in a bad situation.

But at a get together one night, a friend's husband asked me, "So Chloe, any new bad date stories to tell us since the last time we saw you and you went out with the coke head?" I thought to myself, is this all I'm good for, entertainment??? I was still happy to make my friends laugh, but I was starting to bore myself after telling these stories to different groups of friends. I mean, it's good to laugh and feels even better to make others laugh, but it was time to streamline the process!

Then, Julie & Julia came out. Yes, I'm sure that movie inspired thousands, if not millions, to start blogging, and I am one of the masses. I admit it. I'll also admit that before I started writing my own blog, my experience with blogs was limited to gossip and the occasional NY Times blog.

I kicked the idea around for a few many other women have bad date experiences, but need help finding the humor? If I share my stories, maybe others will have a different perspective of theirs...? If my friends find these stories funny, why not share the laughs?

So I started writing, and I realized I really, really love it! I asked myself every day for those first few weeks, why didn't I start this years ago??? Is anyone reading? Does anyone even care???

To my readers, I truly hope I make you laugh once in a while. This is me, thanking you for reading :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

When you're on a first date that is complete dullsville, or maybe it's not a total loss, but you know you don't have any interest in a second, how do you handle it? Do you say you'll call and then just don't? Or do you go the other route and say, "Call me", but then ignore all his follow up calls? Or, do you tell him the truth and say, "I'm sorry, but I'm just not that into you"?

Is it mean, to be so honest? Okay, maybe the last example was too honest, but you get my what I'm saying here.

I have a speech...a first date "Let-Down" speech. It's pretty well-rehearsed by now, and has been fine-tuned over the last few years. It's gentle, kind, but very clear. I believe in respect, honesty, and not wasting anyone's time (mine or theirs). But I'm also not interested in wasting my energy avoiding phone calls or lying to people. It's just not my thing. I only deliver the "speech" as needed, and have learned to be careful with it. I've learned that honesty is a rare, and therefore, very powerful thing!

So it goes something like this: if I'm on a date and just not feeling any cha-cha, I'll stay for 1, maybe 2 drinks max, which should be about an hour or so. I figure that's long enough to be polite, and if he isn't terribly boring or a major asshole, not too much time has been lost. I'm in sales, so I can pretty much talk to anybody. Plus, I find people interesting, so sometimes it can be quite entertaining, and I can almost always find a reason to laugh!

After a fair amount of time has passed, I'll start winding it down, saying that I need to be getting home and that it's a busy week for me so I can't be out late (usually pretty true on a school night, I ALWAYS schedule first dates on school nights so there is an automatic exit strategy). As we walk out of the bar, restaurant, or wherever, if, and only if he starts to allude to a second date, like, "This was fun, we should do this again sometime..." Then I feel it's only fair to not play games and be honest with him, so I deliver my speech, and it goes something like this:

"I had very a nice time talking and getting to know you tonight, thank you so much. I definitely would want to hang out again as friends, but I just don't think there is any chemistry here, I'm sorry."

Is that too harsh? You'd be surprised at some of the reactions I've gotten.

One guy, let's call him Dragon Breath, practically ran into traffic to get away from me after the speech because he was so shocked. I have to admit, it wasn't exactly an Academy Award winning performance, but he had MAJOR dragon breath, and he was going in for a kiss, so I totally panicked and kind of just blurted it out. I couldn't help it, it was a knee-jerk reaction, really! It was either that, or let him kiss me and puke all over him, it was THAT BAD!!!

Next time I'm in a similar situation, I'll tell him I don't kiss on the first date, and THEN deliver the speech, would that be better?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do I Have a White-Boy Fetish?

As I've mentioned in The Gynecologist's Advice and in The White Knight, I don't really date Asian men. I'm just not attracted to them, I can't help it. Plus, much to my mother's dismay, other than the ones I'm related to, I don't know any. What is a girl to do?

It was back in college when I somehow lost my attraction to Asian men. How does that happen? Did I forget it somewhere, like in the university library, when I re-shelved that copy of Deviant Psychology? Or maybe someone borrowed it with my Psychedelic Furs CD and never gave it back...? Or was I robbed?

Not that I'm sad about it, but my Mom sure is. She wonders what I have against Chinese men, and thinks it's an insult, like I think they're not good enough for me or something. Sorry Mom, but I've tried. You just can't force these things.

It's not like I can control who I'm attracted to. I just don't look at an Asian man and think, "oh baby". And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. So does that mean I have a white-boy fetish???

There are many terms for men who have an Asian fetish - Rice Queen (I know, that only applies to gay men, but it's soooo much funnier than the term Rice King), Yellow Fever, Rice Lover, Asiaphile (I found that one in Wikipedia)...none very flattering. Christ, is there a term for those of us who exclusively date White boys? And is ours a fetish, or simply a preference?

Amongst the few Asians I do know, very few of us would date a White boy who only dates Asians. It's just creepy. You never know if they want you for you, or for the fantasy. You know what fantasy I'm talking about. The quiet, submissive, Geisha-girl, laugh oh-so-politely-behind-your-hand laugh, and never talk back. That is NOT me. I love to laugh out loud, and I will talk back. I am quite the antithesis of my China doll appearance, and while I do embrace my feminine side, I am extremely independent. I simply don't fit the expectations...or the fantasy, if you will.

I bumped into an ex a few weeks ago while having dinner at Japonais with a friend. Apparently he was on an eHarmony date, which was funny, because the last time I bumped into him, I think he was on his way to a Match date. A few days later, I was on the phone with a girlfriend we each still keep in touch with, and mentioned bumping into him. She asked me if his date was Chinese, which I didn't know, but of course I had to ask why. I wish I hadn't, because it seems since we broke up nearly 10 years ago, he has almost exclusively dated Asians. Now THAT is creepy.

Ah well, to each his own, right? At least I can say I was the first!

So what's wrong with me? Maybe something in my brain is just wired differently...

It's time to crawl into bed, so I think I'm going to stop analyzing it and just love me (and my preferences) as I am!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The White Knight

We all have a list of things we look for in a boyfriend. Smart, funny, good-looking, motivated, attentive, healthy, no Mommy-issues, financially stable (no more deadbeats for me), honest, blah blah blah. I'm not sure what is on men's list, but I guess the basics are about the same, right? Most women I've talked to have very similar lists, but there is one trait not a single person has mentioned, and it honestly has never even crossed my mind until today.

As I was discussing "checklists" with a friend earlier today, he asked me: When you are dating someone, is there an expectation that they will be able to protect you?

It's a really good question. In all the times I've thought about what I look for in a man, I have never specifically asked for a big, strong man. But don't we all look for that in some form or another? I have a habit of dating men who have served in the Armed Forces - my last boyfriend was a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. So, is it just assumed that we look for it? Is it taboo for a modern girl to say it aloud?

Aren't we all looking for a knight in shining armor?

In spite of never having specified strength and brawn, I have referred to it in conversation on occasion. Last year, a few girls and I were at R Bar, and this drunk-ass girl picked a fight with my friend's boyfriend. Being drunk himself, he got in her face, she started pushing him, it wasn't pretty. My girlfriend calmed her boyfriend down, but the drunk girl's boyfriend (who happened to be Asian), did absolutely nothing. He didn't stand up for her, he didn't get in the middle and try to protect her, he just stood by, and let her pick a fight and come close to blows with a man. It was pathetic - I turned to another friend, and said that what just happened is yet another reason I don't date Asian men. I know it's a stereotype, but I can't help it, Asian men just don't convey strength and the illusion of protector.

But I digress...Look at what we've done in the last few decades, ladies - we've gone through the sexual freedom of the 60's, the feminist 70's, the power-suited working girls of the 80's, and onto the late 90's, which gave us Sex & the City. In this day and age, we have been conditioned to be independent, self-sufficient, and confident. We can have it all, but are we allowed to be vulnerable at the same time? Do we need someone to protect us from the Big Bad Wolf? I sure as hell do.

I don't consider myself to be a feminist. I'm pretty sure the women in my circle believe in the strength, beauty and power of women, but would not call themselves feminists either. No, we're definitely not feminists. But we're not allowed to be vulnerable either. We have been taught that vulnerable = weak. And weak just doesn't work in this city.

Having lived alone for close to a decade, I can take care of my bills, have disposable income to play with, am perfectly capable of fixing my toilet and can caulk like nobody's business. But at the end of the day, I am looking for someone who will watch over me.

While I don't want someone who is aggressive, I do want a man who will stand up for me, and when I think about it, I do watch for cues that will make me feel safe when I am out on a date, like as we cross the street, does he walk on the side of oncoming traffic? Does he look out for the sidewalk grills when I'm wearing heels? If we pass a rowdy group of men, would he put himself between us as we walk by?

What do you think? Am I old-fashioned? What do you look for in a partner? Would you shun a man who wants to be your knight in shining armor?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fortune Cookie 9.21.2009

Fortune Cookie of the day:

I love it! It's only one word, but it speaks volumes. Simplify.

Fall is upon us, and it's time to clean out my closets - literally and figuratively. This is the time of year we start to clear the clutter and lighten the load. I love that feeling I get when I ruthlessly tear through my closet and the donation pile gets larger and larger. If I haven't worn it in a year, out it goes. Those books I have no intention of ever reading again? Do a book exchange with a friend, or put it in the donation pile. DVD's I never watch? Leave them in the basement for the neighbors to benefit from. All the stuff that accumulates in the junk drawer? Garbage! Old papers? Shred and recycle.

And that extends to life as well. Those "friends" I wrote about a few weeks ago who do nothing but pollute and spread their negativity? I'm sorry, but it's time to let go, or at least to put a lot of space between us. I wish you the best and will support you with as much positive energy as I can provide...from afar.

I want a fresh, clean slate for my next adventure. I'd like to make room for my spirit and heart to grow, a clear path for my mind to explore and play! If you're consumed with clutter, how else will you know what you desire in life?


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Potential Jesus Freak, Part II

We left off the other day at the end of my first date with the Potential Jesus Freak. Honestly, in spite of the premature revelation about his love of God, I had a good time. He made me laugh, conversation flowed easily, he seemed fun!

After our date, we continued to talk and email, getting to know one another. This whole experience taught me it really IS good to take your time getting to know someone. No more rushing into things, especially into bed, for me. Date #2 was that...interesting!

We went out to dinner for our second date, and it was nice. Again, great conversation, good food. The after-dinner conversation, however, was a whole other story. As soon as we walked out of the resto, we started walking around and the first thing he asked me was, "So Chloe, tell me something about yourself I don't already know."

I stood there, thinking to myself, was that a real question??? What does he need to know RIGHT NOW that he can't learn naturally over the course of time? I was stumped. I hate questions like that - the questioner tries to make it seem spontaneous but they're really not. So I'm wracking my brain, trying to think of something, anything that's not a stupid mundane or routine factoid. And the only thing I can think of is, "Well...I did a lot of partying and drugs in my early 20's, therefore I don't remember most of that period of my life, but I can confidently say I had a lot of fun"?

(Yes, this is what comes out of my mouth when put on the spot and asked stupid questions like that.)

Him: Oh, okay...and where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Now I'm starting to feel all the fun sucked out of me and getting kind of annoyed. This was starting to feel like a job interview. I know some people approach dating that way, but I don't. I think of a date as a chance to go out with someone new, have a good time, and at the same time, get to know each other. But the ultimate goal of the night should be FUN, not to run through a checklist of questions. I thought these must be his standard second date questions, and was wondering when he was going to hand me my sealed test packet and #2 pencil. Is the whole test comprised of essay questions, or will there be multiple choice too?

And who asks that question, anyway? I guess I'm more of a live for the day kind of person. I don't even know where I'll be 10 days from now, much less 10 years! But again, this is why you should never shit where you eat. I couldn't blow him off because he was a client, so the utmost diplomacy had to be employed here.

Me: Well, I guess I'm not really much of a planner, so who knows where I'll be 10 years from now. All I can say is I'll probably still be living here in the city, because I don't want to live anywhere else. Hopefully I'll be a little more settled, and hopefully a little bit smarter.

Him: What do you mean by settled?

Me: (Barely disguised rolling eyes) Well, I don't want to live in a studio apartment forever, so I'd like a bigger apartment.

Him: Does bigger apartment mean settled to you???

Me: Of course it's a part of it. I would hope to be with someone down the line and therefore need a bigger apartment. Do I want to settle down? Of course, eventually. But only with the right man. I'm not going to settle with someone just to be married and have kids because it's what's "supposed" to happen.

Him: And what did you mean by smarter?

Me: (Jesus Christ, is he taking notes???) Well, hopefully you learn something new every day, and if I'm still alive 10 years from now, hopefully I will have retained some of the lessons I've learned along the way! (Like never to go out with you again after tonight!!!)

Him: So what do you pursue in life, Chloe?

Me: (Now I'm really losing my patience) *sigh* That's a very broad question, what do you mean?

Him: Well it's your life, what do you pursue?!

Me: Oh God...I pursue lots of things. Let's see...I I pursue career growth. I pursue good relationships, whether it's with friends, family, what-have-you. I I pursue enlightenment.

Him: And what does enlightenment mean to you?

AHA!!! There was my window to make sure he would NEVER want to ask me on another date again!

Me: Well, as a non-religious person who doesn't believe in organized religion at all...To me, enlightenment means awareness of self, the universe, and having awareness of how those energies correlate to one another. While I don't believe in God, I am spiritual. I do believe there is a higher being or maybe even beings out there. And if there is a God and he's omnipotent like religions say he is, then he knew I would be secular, so he should be okay with it. I don't think he'd care if l'il ole me in this whole entire universe decided not to pray or go to church to worship him or her. I'm pretty sure there are other things going on out there.

Him: But you have to agree there is sin. And that there needs to be forgiveness of sin. I think God requires a personal relationship with each and every one of us.

Me: No, I don't believe in the concept of sin, or confession. I believe in being a good person and think of life in terms of right and wrong, and if you have wronged, you only need to ask yourself and the party or parties you've wronged for forgiveness. As long as you've asked them for forgiveness, the rest is about how you reconcile within yourself, the universe as a whole, and whatever energy you put out there to the world.

Him: And what would enlightenment mean to you if you were religious?

Me: (He just DOESNT give up, does he?) I can't answer that question.

Him: Why not?

Me: Because I'm NOT religious. I would never even attempt to assume to know what enlightenment meant to a religious person. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in organized religion. I think organized religion was created to control people through fear and judgement. I think religion is the cause of almost all our wars. I don't equate enlightenment with religion, I can't answer that question for you.

At this point, I was really tired of the Spanish Inquisition and didn't feel like talking anymore. I figured it's time for him to answer a question or two, to give me a break from talking so I can figure out how I can bow out gracefully and go home to do something fun, like laundry.

Me: So what about you, what do you pursue in life?

Him: Well, I pursue one thing and one thing only. Everything else in my life just supports that one thing.

So this is how NON-religious I am, I was thinking he's going to say true love...maybe family...or even possibly career. No. Of course none of those answers were right, dumb-ass.

Him: ...And that one thing is God.

Me: (HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Is he serious??? Don't make a face, don't run, keep him talking so you can keep thinking about how to get the hell out of here! How the hell did this guy get on the island of Manhattan? Who talks like this here???) does pursuing job promotions and advancement in your career help you with your pursuit of God?

My mind was reeling. In hindsight, I know I should have expected that answer, but I'll admit, I was dumb. That answer REALLY threw me off guard! I honestly don't even know what his response was because I was in such shock. I just kept hmm-mmm-ing and nodding at random intervals, which I guess worked because he kept talking and talking.

At this point I wasn't sure if I was doing a good job of quelling his interest or not. Did he think he could try to save my soul, and deliver me to his Lord and Saviour??? I just wanted to go home and put this behind me. So I started yawning. And yawned some more. Conversation about religion and my non-religiousness continued, so I got desperate and actually told him I'm more likely to believe the evidence and theories that aliens dropped off our ancestors in Egypt to populate the world than I believe in the story of Adam and Eve. Yes, I basically told him I would be willing to be a Scientologist. Have you seen that show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel? Very interesting and compelling theories!

That emphatic statement, coupled with all my yawning finally did the trick. He asked me if I was tired, gave me a hug, hailed me a cab and I was on my way home. He didn't send me the standard follow up text, never called to say he had a good time, thank God (if there is a God). And a week later, I started working with his counterpart at the client site instead of him. Thankfully he was a mature adult and we were friendly, but nothing more. Phew! Could you imagine if we had actually kissed or something? YUCK.

That was an extremely painful reminder that one should never shit where they eat. Lesson re-learned! I will never, ever, EVER go out with a client again!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Potential Jesus Freak, Part I

A few years ago, I broke one of my own cardinal rules by agreeing to go out with a client. He got under my skin slowly, and before I knew it, I was intrigued. It all started with random phone calls about minor issues that really could have been handled by tech support, then follow up emails and follow up emails to my follow up first I thought it was cute that he had a crush on me, but as the communication became more frequent, I guess he hooked me somewhere along the way. Hey, the guy made me laugh. A LOT.

Fortunately, because I thought it was so funny and cute at first, my boss knew about the increased communication, and was actually all in favor of a pairing. So when he called to ask me out to brunch, I agreed. I figured, my boss knows and approves, so why not? My ass is covered. You hear about successful relationships where the couple met at work, so maybe it could happen to me too, right?

He was quite the gentleman, and would always ask for permission to call me in the evening or over the weekend. He was extremely attentive during conversation, never interrupted, and really listened. Our interaction and conversations up to the first date were really positive and I was excited about the upcoming date. Maybe I had finally met a funny, great, normal guy!

We agreed to brunch on a spring Saturday, and we had a great meal at Freemans. He loved food just as much as I did, which was a huge plus. He wasn't too into sports, another plus. Loved music and going to live shows, plus. Loves to travel. This guy was looking better and better as we progressed. He was very close to his parents and family, but they all lived in the midwest - BONUS.

Brunch led to a walk around downtown. We were having a really good time, talking and window shopping. We started talking about life in NYC, how there's so much to do, and he mentioned there's a lot he would like to do but hasn't yet because he hasn't found the right partner, like museums, the beach, the caribbean, etc. How cute, he just wants a playmate, right? He tells me he hasn't had that many girlfriends up to this point, because he has been patiently waiting for the right girl to come along. A bit sappy and a little too Nicholas Sparks-inspired, but still cute.

I asked why doesn't he do these things (vacations, museums, concerts, etc.) with his friends, and apparently they're pretty much all married and have kids. Of course we start to talk about his friends more, and he mentions that he has met most of them at his church.


Me: Do you go to church often?

Him: If I'm in town, yes, every Sunday.

Me:, are you religious?

Him: I've been back and forth with the Methodist church, but recently I've become more involved and have been seeking a relationship with God again. Are you?

Me: No, not at all, I'm spiritual, but not religious. At all. Actually, I don't believe in organized religion. At all.

Him: But you have to agree that there is sin and that we need to be forgiven for our sins.

Me: (This is way too deep for a first date, time to change the subject.) Hmmm...yeah...I can respect that view. So, in all your travels with work, what was your favorite city in the world???

The rest of the date went fairly well, considering that little blip. But I have to admit I was a bit worried about the whole church and religious thing. Not that I can't respect another person's views, and it wasn't a deal-breaker for me, but I did feel like I needed to keep an eye on it. Like, if this progressed into a relationship, would he expect me to wake up early on Sunday and go to church with him? Because there was no way in hell that was happening. More likely that I'd tell him not to wake me on his way out! And if I met his friends, would they think I'm bad because I take pole dance classes and own stripper heels? And what about the fact that I have potty mouth? Do I have to try to reign that in?

The odd thing is, if he had told me he was Jewish and religious, it wouldn't have bothered me in the least. Maybe it's because I'm from Brooklyn, and therefore am a quarter Jewish by default...? Or maybe it's because I grew up in a Christian church and that experience has made me especially weary of Christians in general...?

Again, Jewish, no problem. And Catholic probably wouldn't have bothered me too much either. But Methodist...? I don't know. I get that some people go to church for the sense of community. But based on our conversation, it led me to believe he was looking for way more than community. It's not often you meet a religious, practicing Methodist in NYC. At least, not in my travels. Where do they hang out? Besides church, that is.

Who always, I was trying to keep an open mind about it all and not pass judgement. Maybe I could respect his views, and he could respect mine, right? Also, I didn't want to offend my client, even if we were both mature adults about everything. (Now I remember why it was my cardinal rule. Never shit where you eat, Chloe!!!)

Stay tuned, and we'll see what happens next, when I tell you about date #2!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Football Trumps Date

How's this for a twist: my girlfriend met a nice, funny guy at a bar the other night. He wasn't quite her type, but he had her belly-laughing all night, which is definitely a plus with her and peaked her interest. After all, there's nothing more appealing than having your funny bone tickled, right?

They were getting along great, and as she hoped, he asked her out. But before she could say yea or nay or even play coy, he decided to prequalify the date by stating, "But, I'm pretty swamped watching football games this weekend."


I suppose it's nice to know his priorities up front, but come on dude, you're really going to put a hot woman on hold for football??? He then tells her that he's lost a few girlfriends due to football season, and if they had met at another time of the year, he would have more time.

Digging that hole a lot deeper, you really think you've sold her on that date now?

Is that really how it works? Maybe he wasn't that into her, but he asked her out, not the other way around. I thought if you're into a person, you do what you need to do to nail down that first date, no?

And it's not just football season. I was once pursued by this guy for weeks, and due to our schedules, we were having a tough time getting it together. During one attempt to coordinate schedules, I had suggested brunch, and he actually told me that he's "not really a brunch person, what else do you have for me?"

Wow, really? Is that what you have for me???

Not very impressive, boys. You haven't even woo'ed enough to confirm the first date yet, but you're already putting us to the side and basically saying: you're not that important.

I guess guys have different priorities, but if I like a guy, while I won't completely rearrange my schedule, I would forgo certain things to plan a date. You won't see me saying no to a date because Project Runway or Dancing With the Stars is on!

And so another one bites the dust...but I think we can safely say she's actually ahead of the game on this one!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Big Gamble

I was having dinner with my girl, FS, tonight. We were winding down our perfect girly evening at S Factor, which was great as usual! FS and I always have a great time together, and can talk about absolutely anything. Dinner talk tonight ran the gamut, but eventually led to her upcoming wedding, and then to the dating scene.

She told me tonight that she's so happy she found the love of her life, because she thinks dating is absolutely scary, and she can't believe how brave I am to do it. "What's so scary about it?", I ask. And she asked me a question I've never ben asked before. "How do you know he's not crazy???"

The fact is, I don't know. But if you don't try, how do you know what's out there? It's funny, while i do take the usual precautions, being scared of the guy has never crossed my mind, even though this city is filled with crazies! Maybe if i bring a guy home very shortly after meeting him, sure, the question, "How do I know this guy isn't a rapist?", might pop into my head, but obviously if there's any inkling, I just don't go there. Thankfully my gut hasn't led me astray in 20 years of dating!

But what is the alternative? Should I just not date? Stay home with my cat, and wait until Mr. Right knocks on my door? Outside of the business world, I don't think of myself as a risk-taker. I don't jump out of airplanes or buy high-risk stocks, but I do know that I am a risk-taker with matters of the heart.

No pain, no gain, right ladies and gents?

It's incredibly scary, to take that leap of faith. You're gambling with your heart, after all! I'll admit that when I feel myself realizing that I am into a guy, I get nervous, create doubts, and look for reasons the whole thing won't work. But I've learned over time that it's just jitters and completely normal. So I let it pass, and forge ahead.

I want love and passion in my life, not an okay relationship, or someone that's just there because "something is better than nothing". I guess I'd rather be happy on my own instead of the alternative. Who wants to go through life merely tolerating a person?

So I'll continue to take that leap...and hopefully, one day this big gamble will pay off!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friendship vs. Me-Me-Me-ship?

Fortune cookie of the day:

"The only rose without a thorn is friendship."

That's true...but what is one to do when you suddenly realize your friendship has grown thorns?

There are so many degrees of friendship. There are friends you speak to every day, several times a day. There are friends you can call after a 3-year absence and pick up like you just spoke yesterday. You have work friends, friends who become your extended family, friends you can always count on and friends you just meet for drinks or the occasional dinner.

But over the years, I've noticed there is a small percentage of friendships that are more or less one-sided. Like the friend who only calls when they need something from you. Or what about that friend you realize isn't capable of sharing you with other people? You know the one I'm talking about - the one who acts territorial, is inexplicably rude and constantly redirecting attention back to themselves when others are brought into the mix. Are those friendships, or simply a me-me-me-ship?

There's also the friend who constantly has something to complain about. Seriously, how can one person have THAT much to complain about? The one who gives you a stomach ache every time you hang out because they have so much drama and angst. They drain you and suck every iota of energy out of you. Actually, they're all draining, but this one is soooo draining because they're just so...negative.

At what point do we draw the line and say enough is enough?

Every relationship - whether friends, lovers, coworkers or family - has its ups and downs. It's natural. We're human, we're all self-absorbed to a degree and we all have flaws. Relationships take work. But they're also a two-way street. (Am I starting to sound like a therapist here?)

So how do you determine whether it's just a minor imperfections to overlook or truly a thorn?

Tell me people, has the rose lost its bloom?

Wow...all that from one little fortune cookie, huh?

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Healing Properties of Shopping

The past week kicked my ass. Literally and figuratively. First I get unsolicited dating advice from my gynecologist, next my ex-boyfriend's big announcement, and then I really got knocked on my ass with a bout of tonsillitis and have been in bed for the last 6 days. Seriously, who gets tonsillitis past the age of 16?

So that is how I ended my summer. This is probably my first string of coherent thoughts in about 5 days.

And what is a girl to do after a week like that? Go shopping, of course. I woke up this morning and realized for the first time in days, I didn't feel like dying. So I went for a walk just to get some air and sun, and recalled that when I was on the bus on my way to the doctor the other day, the Aldo in my neighborhood was advertising a 70% off moving sale. I don't typically buy their shoes, but I figured it couldn't hurt to check out such a huge sale, right?

Apparently, it was just what the doctor ordered!

I browsed around at Aldo and I picked up a pair of gorgeous platform stilettos for $67 and another cute pair of platforms for $27! Like I said, I don't typically buy their shoes, but for that price, and considering platform stilettos is a trend that will be here for another year at most, who cares? They'll be great with jeans or with a retro minidress.

Plus, they make me TALLER! (Hey, at 5' 3", I could use it, my tall personality only gets me so far!)

The bargains gave me such a rush, my little walk turned into a mini-excursion. Next I stopped at Lush, where I picked up a delicious sugar scrub and a few yummy bath bombs for myself. I love their products and the fact that they're 100% natural. Lush products are always great for a quickie pick-me-up, plus everything smells sooooo good in there. I can't wait to soak in the tub when I'm feeling better!

Lastly, I hit Loehmann's, which is always good for a brag-able bargain. I got a gorgeous pair of comfy Franco Sarto knee-high boots for $80 and another amazing pair of Italian stilettos by Claudia Ciutti for $62.

How do you say no to prices like that??? As much as I'm going to miss summer, I can't wait to wear my new boots with a pair of skinny jeans or with leggings and a long cardigan or sweater.

I am now absolutely exhausted after all that shopping, but definitely feeling so much better. Maybe I'll use one of my bath bombs tonight.

Now, where to wear all my new shoes...?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fortune Cookie 9.2.2009

Fortune cookie of the day:
"Manage your affairs with grace. It will bring surprising results."

Considering yesterday's bombshell, pretty good advice.

I've been wondering all day why yesterday's announcement threw me for such a loop. Hearing about the baby earlier this year didn't faze me at all. In fact I really was happy for him. So why the melt down???

I suppose some of it had to do with the conversation I had with my gyno the previous day. But I think a larger part of it was...a reminder of the passage of time. That while I have moved on, and grown as a person, I'm not getting married and I'm not having a baby.

I'm not, and he is.

There, I said it. Are strong, independent, self-confident women allowed to say things like that? Oh well, I just did.

And the crazy thing is, my clock isn't even ticking. I don't look at babies and feel a yearning to have one. I've had inklings, but nothing full-fledged. And not in a long time. Maybe if I was in love I would feel differently. But then again, maybe I wouldn't, who knows.

So for now, I'll just follow the advice of whoever it was who wrote this fortune. I'll manage my affairs with grace.

Let's see what surprises will come my way!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Big WHOA

He's getting married. He's getting married???!!! HOLY SHIT


I don't...words...can't...I can't...

My ex, my very own Mr. Big...the international jet-setting playboy that I was stupid and young enough to go back and forth with for years...

Is getting MARRIED.

I just got the Save the Date. Yeah...we're still friends. We're actually great as friends. As lovers, we were never very nice to each other. Well, it also didn't help that he didn't know how to keep his pants on.

I knew about the's been a few years now, I think. I've been told she's really great. I also knew she was pregnant, and it's a boy. And I was happy for him. Truly, truly happy for him and excited. Really!!!

Then I got the email this afternoon. A save the date email. For a big blowout wedding in Vegas sometime next spring.

And I'm shocked. I'm truly, truly shocked. I shouldn't be, right? I mean, she's having his baby, after all. And he sounds happy, which is great.

Should I go?

I mean, I'm happy for him, but do I have to be THAT happy for him? I'm over him. Been over him, but just...HUGE. Crazy.

It would be weird. Too weird. I can't go. Not unless I'm engaged too. Ha-ha, just kidding!

No...what's the point in making a show. I'm not going to go. I'll send a lovely, thoughtful gift and call it a day. That'll work, right?

Would I be able to invite my ex to my wedding? Could I be that big and mature? I'd like to think I would. I'd like to think that I would be able to share such a special, momentous occasion with him if it ever happens to me.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe he's actually getting married...

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