We all have a list of things we look for in a boyfriend. Smart, funny, good-looking, motivated, attentive, healthy, no Mommy-issues, financially stable (no more deadbeats for me), honest, blah blah blah. I'm not sure what is on men's list, but I guess the basics are about the same, right? Most women I've talked to have very similar lists, but there is one trait not a single person has mentioned, and it honestly has never even crossed my mind until today.
As I was discussing "checklists" with a friend earlier today, he asked me: When you are dating someone, is there an expectation that they will be able to protect you?
It's a really good question. In all the times I've thought about what I look for in a man, I have never specifically asked for a big, strong man. But don't we all look for that in some form or another? I have a habit of dating men who have served in the Armed Forces - my last boyfriend was a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. So, is it just assumed that we look for it? Is it taboo for a modern girl to say it aloud?
Aren't we all looking for a knight in shining armor?
In spite of never having specified strength and brawn, I have referred to it in conversation on occasion. Last year, a few girls and I were at R Bar, and this drunk-ass girl picked a fight with my friend's boyfriend. Being drunk himself, he got in her face, she started pushing him, it wasn't pretty. My girlfriend calmed her boyfriend down, but the drunk girl's boyfriend (who happened to be Asian), did absolutely nothing. He didn't stand up for her, he didn't get in the middle and try to protect her, he just stood by, and let her pick a fight and come close to blows with a man. It was pathetic - I turned to another friend, and said that what just happened is yet another reason I don't date Asian men. I know it's a stereotype, but I can't help it, Asian men just don't convey strength and the illusion of protector.
But I digress...Look at what we've done in the last few decades, ladies - we've gone through the sexual freedom of the 60's, the feminist 70's, the power-suited working girls of the 80's, and onto the late 90's, which gave us Sex & the City. In this day and age, we have been conditioned to be independent, self-sufficient, and confident. We can have it all, but are we allowed to be vulnerable at the same time? Do we need someone to protect us from the Big Bad Wolf? I sure as hell do.
I don't consider myself to be a feminist. I'm pretty sure the women in my circle believe in the strength, beauty and power of women, but would not call themselves feminists either. No, we're definitely not feminists. But we're not allowed to be vulnerable either. We have been taught that vulnerable = weak. And weak just doesn't work in this city.
Having lived alone for close to a decade, I can take care of my bills, have disposable income to play with, am perfectly capable of fixing my toilet and can caulk like nobody's business. But at the end of the day, I am looking for someone who will watch over me.
While I don't want someone who is aggressive, I do want a man who will stand up for me, and when I think about it, I do watch for cues that will make me feel safe when I am out on a date, like as we cross the street, does he walk on the side of oncoming traffic? Does he look out for the sidewalk grills when I'm wearing heels? If we pass a rowdy group of men, would he put himself between us as we walk by?
What do you think? Am I old-fashioned? What do you look for in a partner? Would you shun a man who wants to be your knight in shining armor?
Please do not kill me. If you promise NOT to kill me- I'll tell you the bonehead (but my intentions were just trying to be purely helpful) *thing* I did.
I read this guy's blog. He's very smart. You are very smart. He lives in Virgina, you live in NYC...
:::hiding all the sharp knifes:::... As I was saying- I suggested he'd like you. In the comment section of his blog post.
But, see, I couldn't really remember if you liked Asians. But I thought, well- I'm white and my husband's black.. so I bet it doesn't matter that much.
Anyway, probably nothing will happen but I wanted to tell you.
Aaaaaaah! See why I'm an entrepreneur? I just saw an opportunity for you to be as happy as you deserve to be. I can see you're a good woman.
::::locking knifes up in gun cabinet:::.... swallowing key:::.......
Hey, what are you doing with that can of roach spray?
Seriously? This is a joke, right?! LOL
Thank you for thinking of me, but it's pretty rare that I find myself attracted to an Asian man. I'll give you a pass...THIS time. Good thing you hid all the knives tho!
You can make it up to me by sending over a cute, strong, chivalrous white boy! ;)
A {{{gasp}}} WHITE boy?!
Aw, Clhoe- how you gonna play me like dat?
You're never going to look good on the dance floor with a white boy. That's going to cost you at least 3k in dance lessons for me to even begin to fix him. I might as well start some sort of "Pay-For-Your-Future-White-Boy" dance package, especially for you.
Well, I don't know what happened. It was all innocent: he was talking about "disruptive innovation" and I replied that no; I think what you're labeling as "disruptive" is actually a move to "convergence"... and THEN I blurt out:
I know this girl named Chloe!
But it could have been worse. What I really thought as I typed was:
Hey! I know this fine, hot ass, smart chick up in NYC- that who wouldn't want?
Sadly, you can check out the legitamcy of my story:
Go back through Entrepreneur Chick's profile. Look at the blogs I follow. Go to the last one. Click on: Zen and the Art of Innovation Breakthroughs- it's in the post about the iPod Nana being a "disruptive" breakthrough.
As you read it, please bear in mind you already said you won't kill me.
Good lord. I have these new fake fingernails and I've made so many type-os. Please correct and send back.
Oh darling, don't you worry, I date white boys who know how to dance! I guess that's why I tend to gravitate to the Europeans! LOL
And what makes you think an Asian boy will know how to dance??? Those skinny, lanky, hairless bodies...no thank you!!!! I'll check out his blog...but no guarantees. There's only so much mental foreplay a girl can take, then it's gotta be the real thang!
Knight in Shining Armour ~ sigh. Yes. I know I'm this kick-ass, independent, sort-of-feminist in 93.3% of my essence, but the other part of me just wants the Knight to come along .... and whenever someone shows me a bit of chivalry, I fall like a dizzy blonde in teetering heels, ass over tit.
I wrote about this on my blog a few times. Some lovely guy comes along and offers to 'save' me (my life is a bit messy), but then I start to think, "Hell no, I want to save myself, don't I?" ..... there's no longevity in the White Knight relationship because sooner or later you wind up resenting the fact that he's parcelled you up and put you in a box, labelled "Little Woman". And actually, his own life is probably totally wrecked because he's displacing his own responsibility for himself onto you. Hopeless. But if he's a good lover, he can stay for a while.
So, like you .... in my 30s and serial dating, but with the added complication of being a single mum. And terrified of becoming a cliche.
Yes, that's it EXACTLY!!!
I have an aunt who will be turning 50 next month, has never been married, no kids, not too many friends...and as a result, she is a HUGE cliche - makes everything her business, complains about everyone and everything, and basically creates drama for attention. Whenever I see her, I cringe at the thought I might turn into her. My own father, her brother, doesn't want me to end up like her!
The whole White Knight concept is interesting though...I still have yet to meet one!
Chloe I loved this! It's my favorite post thus far.
I think you pose an interesting question. Do women really want that Knight in Shining Armor? What I think might be even more interesting, is why we think that depending on someone for anything shows or means weakness. As women, are we not generally very nurturing and caring of those around us? Why do we allow ourselves to give so much and yet take so little? Why is it almost unacceptable for women to depend on a man in any fashion? I guess I'm asking more questions than I am giving opinion, but I just don't get it.
Samantha, I have to disagree that there is no longevity with the White Knight. I've done the serial dating thing, for far too long, and finally found the person I'm supposed to be with. I am 6 years older and the profession I am in, has me bringing in the larger income. I am completely independent, yet he is still chivalrous... I allow it, encourage it and in some cases, demand it. I'm not sure why being an independent woman, means we can't be with a man that wants to protect and shelter us, for fear of losing our independence, both financially and emotionally. We are really the only ones that can give that independence away. Some choose to give it willingly, some only gave the illusion of independence; but my hope is that a man treating a woman with respect and showing concern over her well-being isn't ever thought of as a negative thing.
R, you pose really great questions, and all these comments have given me a great start for another post.
Thank you all, btw, for commenting!!! I LOVE COMMENTS!!!! :)
We are tasked with being so much to our men...or is it that we put it upon ourselves? I guess that's why part of me wouldn't mind accepting some help right now. Like today - I'm starting to repaint my whole apartment this weekend. I live in a studio, so this has to be a well coordinated shifting of stuff then paint, dry, shift some more, paint, etc. It's going to have to be done in phases over the next few weeks. Can't I get a man to come over, spackle, move furniture for me, and do the painting while I lounge around looking pretty? ;-) I'll help with the edges...! LOL
Chloe, I think I may have found a new weakness....a man working with power tools!!! I was in home decoration mode this weekend. I wanted to get all the fall decorations up and change things up in our apartment. (If I don't do this, I get bored with my place and will want to move)
So I went shopping, bought some fall decorations and then some shelves for our bedroom. I put up the decorations and walked into the bedroom to find my boyfriend, with his drill, putting up the shelves. I sat on the bed and watched him do this...really just wanting to maul him! Oh power tools how I love you!
Absolutely! A man who can use a power tool and get things done around the house? Yes, please. I also love to watch a man work out! LOL
My 19-year-old daughter is just discovering what she wants in a guy...and it is fascinating. She also wants to be capable of taking care of herself but she wants a guy in her life who will protect her, too. Who is looking out for her. Not to dominate her or control her but because he is THINKING about HER. Ironically, she just got in a new relationship with a guy in the military and she is loving it. And a man who knows how to DO things is a turn on in my book, too. Of course, I think Mike Rowe is hot. sigh.
Your 19-year-old sounds like my kind of girl! Now the million dollar question is, where to find that kind of man...???
I love a man who knows how to do things around the house. But I think men love it more when we do too! And I can caulk a tub like nobody's business! LOL
[scribbling furiously on notepad]
Ha-ha! Now the ultimate world-dominating secret of the Perfect Man is mine! ALL MINE! HA HA HAAA!
Excuse me, I have to practice using my power tools.
@Postman - you're a PILOT, you don't need a damn horse, don't worry about it. Just make sure you get the other stuff right, okay?
Although, I'm pretty sure you're set there too! ;)
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