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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Are We Writing For?

This week, Entrepreneur Chick wrote about why we read and write blogs. It's a really good question. Reading the different blogs out there, you always wonder why they started writing, don't you?

Why do you read blogs? Are you satisfying that little voyeur deep down inside? Do you read to track trends, gather info, keep your finger on the pulse of an industry?

Why did I start writing this blog? To be honest, I started it to make my life easier. After my last relationship ended a few months ago, I began to find myself telling friends my latest bad date story over and over and over again. I don't mind, because I always manage to find the humor in a bad situation.

But at a get together one night, a friend's husband asked me, "So Chloe, any new bad date stories to tell us since the last time we saw you and you went out with the coke head?" I thought to myself, is this all I'm good for, entertainment??? I was still happy to make my friends laugh, but I was starting to bore myself after telling these stories to different groups of friends. I mean, it's good to laugh and feels even better to make others laugh, but it was time to streamline the process!

Then, Julie & Julia came out. Yes, I'm sure that movie inspired thousands, if not millions, to start blogging, and I am one of the masses. I admit it. I'll also admit that before I started writing my own blog, my experience with blogs was limited to gossip and the occasional NY Times blog.

I kicked the idea around for a few many other women have bad date experiences, but need help finding the humor? If I share my stories, maybe others will have a different perspective of theirs...? If my friends find these stories funny, why not share the laughs?

So I started writing, and I realized I really, really love it! I asked myself every day for those first few weeks, why didn't I start this years ago??? Is anyone reading? Does anyone even care???

To my readers, I truly hope I make you laugh once in a while. This is me, thanking you for reading :)


Entrepreneur Chick said...

Awww, Chloe! That's just so sweet of you, girl.

The reason why your blog's going so great, I think, in such a short amount of time, is because, the love that you feel when you write is apparent, translating to the reader!

And yeah, you are one efficient chick. (Which I love.)

Aunt Juicebox said...

Ugh, after two years, I still don't know what makes me keep at it. I like the people I've "met" that's for sure. =D

Sharon said...

Thanks E.C., I guess I do wear my heart on my literal sleeve, huh? And yes, don't forget to keep streamlining that shit (That will have to be our new mantra!) ;)

You're totally right, Juicebox. I've met some really cool people on the blogosphere!

Purely Paige said...

Yes, you definantly give me a giggle much more often than once in awhile! Your blog is one of my very favorites!

Jenn said...

Great entry... gives me something to think about! And I love your layout by the way.

Also, I've totally thought about pole dancing classes! (re: your comment...) -- But somehow I feel REALLY weird with the idea of doing that BEFORE I'm closer to my goal weight. I might think about doing it for toning purposes once some more flab is gone! ;)

~Jenn (Ex Hot Girl)

Sharon said...

Aw, thanks Purely Paige! I'm so happy with where you're going with your jewelry line, so exciting!

Jenn, thank you! I think your layout is so clean! Re: pole dance classes, that's one of the things I love about my school, there are women of all shapes and sizes, the studios are dimly lit without mirrors so you don't feel self-conscious, and men aren't allowed in at all! It's all about your personal journey and nurturing it. You'll get there when you feel you're ready. Good luck!


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