"The only rose without a thorn is friendship."
That's true...but what is one to do when you suddenly realize your friendship has grown thorns?
There are so many degrees of friendship. There are friends you speak to every day, several times a day. There are friends you can call after a 3-year absence and pick up like you just spoke yesterday. You have work friends, friends who become your extended family, friends you can always count on and friends you just meet for drinks or the occasional dinner.
But over the years, I've noticed there is a small percentage of friendships that are more or less one-sided. Like the friend who only calls when they need something from you. Or what about that friend you realize isn't capable of sharing you with other people? You know the one I'm talking about - the one who acts territorial, is inexplicably rude and constantly redirecting attention back to themselves when others are brought into the mix. Are those friendships, or simply a me-me-me-ship?
There's also the friend who constantly has something to complain about. Seriously, how can one person have THAT much to complain about? The one who gives you a stomach ache every time you hang out because they have so much drama and angst. They drain you and suck every iota of energy out of you. Actually, they're all draining, but this one is soooo draining because they're just so...negative.
At what point do we draw the line and say enough is enough?
Every relationship - whether friends, lovers, coworkers or family - has its ups and downs. It's natural. We're human, we're all self-absorbed to a degree and we all have flaws. Relationships take work. But they're also a two-way street. (Am I starting to sound like a therapist here?)
So how do you determine whether it's just a minor imperfections to overlook or truly a thorn?
Tell me people, has the rose lost its bloom?
Wow...all that from one little fortune cookie, huh?
wah nice blog, hai friend nice to meet u here, u r welcome tomy blog, i would like to share some fun video to u, thk ;-)
I wrote about this very issue:
God, I know.
Hahahahahahaha!!!! T.P. - I love it, Entrepreneur Chick!!!! I'm totally borrowing that from you from now on, it's perfect!!!!
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