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Monday, September 21, 2009

Fortune Cookie 9.21.2009

Fortune Cookie of the day:

I love it! It's only one word, but it speaks volumes. Simplify.

Fall is upon us, and it's time to clean out my closets - literally and figuratively. This is the time of year we start to clear the clutter and lighten the load. I love that feeling I get when I ruthlessly tear through my closet and the donation pile gets larger and larger. If I haven't worn it in a year, out it goes. Those books I have no intention of ever reading again? Do a book exchange with a friend, or put it in the donation pile. DVD's I never watch? Leave them in the basement for the neighbors to benefit from. All the stuff that accumulates in the junk drawer? Garbage! Old papers? Shred and recycle.

And that extends to life as well. Those "friends" I wrote about a few weeks ago who do nothing but pollute and spread their negativity? I'm sorry, but it's time to let go, or at least to put a lot of space between us. I wish you the best and will support you with as much positive energy as I can provide...from afar.

I want a fresh, clean slate for my next adventure. I'd like to make room for my spirit and heart to grow, a clear path for my mind to explore and play! If you're consumed with clutter, how else will you know what you desire in life?



Entrepreneur Chick said...

"If I haven't worn it in a year, out it goes."

>Okay. You are obviously twin sister. DNA aside, I do and did the very same thing! I know what you mean. It feels SO good to have everthing perfectly organized.

Don't you find getting ready is so much easier when you're not shuffling through clothes you don't like or want?

For the past week and a half, I've taken each day to clean out something else. My closet, my drawers, my kitchen, our three garages- clean as a whistle! I feel so great. Like I have more control.

Know exactly what you mean- simplify.

Luvs it.

Sharon said...

Yes!!! EVERYTHING is easier when you don't have shit all over the place!!! I'm so jealous that you've cleaned out in the last week and half. I'm about to start my Big Clean, so excited! :)

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