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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fortune Cookie 9.2.2009

Fortune cookie of the day:
"Manage your affairs with grace. It will bring surprising results."

Considering yesterday's bombshell, pretty good advice.

I've been wondering all day why yesterday's announcement threw me for such a loop. Hearing about the baby earlier this year didn't faze me at all. In fact I really was happy for him. So why the melt down???

I suppose some of it had to do with the conversation I had with my gyno the previous day. But I think a larger part of it was...a reminder of the passage of time. That while I have moved on, and grown as a person, I'm not getting married and I'm not having a baby.

I'm not, and he is.

There, I said it. Are strong, independent, self-confident women allowed to say things like that? Oh well, I just did.

And the crazy thing is, my clock isn't even ticking. I don't look at babies and feel a yearning to have one. I've had inklings, but nothing full-fledged. And not in a long time. Maybe if I was in love I would feel differently. But then again, maybe I wouldn't, who knows.

So for now, I'll just follow the advice of whoever it was who wrote this fortune. I'll manage my affairs with grace.

Let's see what surprises will come my way!


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