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Monday, November 2, 2009

Not a Snowball's Chance

It's amazing what some men will try to get away with. We all flirt, it's human nature. It keeps life fun and interesting. But where is the line?

I used to be a field rep in the auto industry, and was literally paid to be sexually harassed by my clients on a daily basis. These guys tried every angle, whether they were married or not. I was called hon, sweetie, sweetcakes, wiggler, you name it, I was called it. I even thought about getting myself a fake engagement ring, thinking that would make it all stop, but from speaking with other women in the field, nothing would stop those guys. I didn't get it and left the industry after a few years.

What in the world makes these guys keep trying when they clearly haven't got a snowball's chance in hell???

It's interesting, from a sociological perspective. If you want to get evolutionary about it all, men's purpose within the tribe was to hunt and procreate, and if you follow that logic, I guess they haven't evolved much over the centuries! It's all about conquering, competition...Veni, vidi, vici, as Julius Ceasar said.

And yet, if they haven't conquered, they try, try, and try again. I guess it's in their DNA!

I once had a brief interlude with a guy, only to find out that he had a live-in girlfriend, who was a flight attendant. Convenient, huh? I ended it right away, but was willing to be friends, as I truly did enjoy his friendship. Of course, he took that as a sign that he could keep trying to get into my pants, even though I made it clear to him that I was off-limits! It got to the point where his persistence was so disrespectful to his girlfriend, I stopped taking his calls and ignored texts and emails. Fast forward to 6 or 7 years later, and he still attempts to reach out a few times a year, wishing me happy holidays or whatever. Just a year ago, he sent me a friend invite on Facebook. It's actually starting to border on harassment at this point, but I digress. Not a snowball's chance in hell, yet he still tries.

That creepy cyber sex fiend I mentioned last week? He emailed me today, asking, "Are we not lovers anymore?"

Hello??? Are you kidding me with this shit???!!!


Aunt Juicebox said...

Um, I thought WE were lovers...what's up with that?

Entrepreneur Chick said...

I'm like, it's my post! It's my post! Chloe posted my post! LOL

Loved it, of course.

Wiggler, huh? I have not heard that one.

I think I've figured it out. Ready?

A lot of men (and women) just ain't too smart.

Sharon said...

@Aunt Juicebox - I never sent him the memo, I was trying to drop it like it's hot

Sharon said...

E.C. - I told you I'd write this post, sorry it took so long!!! :)

Yes, I was called a wiggler, which apparently is a go-go dancer. And this was BEFORE my S Factor days!!! I don't remember the dude's full name, but I remember nicknaming him Shanker the Yanker after that day...

And yes, there are tons of idiots out there...I'll share my theory with you on this another time!

Pink Heels said...

They "the men referenced in the post" keep on trying "inappropriate advanced" because they do not respect either a) you, b) women, c) the relationship with their gf/partner/wife, or d) all of the above. I have encountered my fair share of men who fall into this category and I RUN in the opposite direction! : )

Sharon said...

I say it's D, all of the above, and you're right, that's when it's time to run!!!

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