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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just Dance

All it takes is a night of dancing with reckless abandon to make the world right. Shut the world out, forget your cares, feel the beat moving through your body. Don't give a shit who's watching, what they think, whether you look good. Just... feel it.

A bunch of us went dancing last night, and I'm still buzzing with the energy of the night! I don't think about needs or wants when I'm dancing, nothing else exists, not even thought.

There's no other way for me to explain how important movement is to me and my being, and I hope/wish it does this for others too. I truly believe all women are born with it, perhaps it just needs to be refined and cultivated in some. The ecstasy that comes with it, that natural high... what more could you ask for to heal, to make things right... Just Dance.

Yesterday, I decided it's high time to go back to S Factor. I miss the feel of the pole in my hand - dancing, spinning, flying around it, and letting go of absolutely everything in the sanctuary of the dance studio. The curve of a woman's body makes the movement so natural. Can't wait to JUST DANCE. It's my version of church, people. It's that deep.

My first class back is a week from tomorrow, and it can't come soon enough. Stay tuned!!!


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