I got a great comment today from Jacob about online dating. He accomplished what millions of us have been searching for - a happy, successful relationship resulting in marriage, AND they met online!
His advice to me was to:
- stick to a 10 year age limit - done
- get a picture - lesson learned...the hard way!
- get rid of dudes who take their time sealing the deal - done
- get rid of dudes who avoid basic questions - again, lesson learned the hard way!
Again, all great advice! I have one thing to add though:
- get rid of dudes who ask nothing about you or what you write about in your profile
If they show a lack of interest in you and what you are about now, what will his interest level be 6 months from now???
Thanks again Jacob!
You're welcome! Your point about ejecting men who don't ask questions is dead-on. Applies to dates, too: Ask yourself afterward whether he learned anything about you. (For those of us who can't turn women's knees to jelly with our movie-star good looks, the single most potent dating technique is to ask questions, and listen to the answers. Playing the guitar doesn't hurt, either.)
Spot on, Jacob. Especially about the guitar, or any other instrument, for that matter!
Such a true post! I did eharmony and it was not successful at all! Good Luck with your search!
I have been married since I was 18, and only officially "single" for two weeks my whole adult life. The two spousless weeks was because I was waiting for my divorce to come through so I could speedily marry husband #2. Otherwise, if the great State of Texas didn't have a silly *law* about divorcing and remarrying in a 24 hour period, we'd have been all good.
Really, I should have been born in Arkansas. Maybe I should move. Who am I to give advice about dating? I know nothing of it.
@Harlem's A Hatin - Thanks for stopping by! I agree with you, and eharmony was just toooo sloooooow of a process for me! And for whatever reason, it seemed like all the guys were 5'6", did you notice that too? LOL
E.C. - I didn't know that about you! Look at that, you really do learn something new every day ;)
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