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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just a Little Patience...

I've always been the type of girl who once I've made up my mind about something, I want it right now. No good things come to those who wait for me, I'll say it till I'm blue in the face, but can't get myself to follow it, that's for sure.

We live in a culture that has evolved its focus to instant gratification. Want a new car? Instant bank approval. Want a new couch? Just run out and buy one! Have a hankering for brownies? You can make a batch in the microwave in just a few short minutes, or better yet, in New York, just get them delivered, why bother making it and cleaning dishes afterward? Domino's used to advertise delivery in 30 minutes or your pizza is free. Want that new CD? You don't even have to go to the store anymore, you can download it in less than a minute!

One-click checkout, one-stop shopping, buy online and have it delivered next day, drive-thru, EZ Pass, search for a date online, instant messaging, instant noodles, instant results, no waiting. Digital photos, DV-R, Video on Demand. Demand, demand, demand, now, now, NOW.

What is the rush? Where are we running to so fast?

I'm just as guilty of it...I get an itch for something, I go out and get it. If I want something done, I want it done quickly.

But it might be time to slow down. My ex taught me an Israeli saying, "The shortest way is the longest way." It totally makes sense. There is always some compromise when we do things quickly, whether it's quality, value, or what have you. This weekend, I painted my apartment and sanded the walls down to have proper paint application. Could I have just slapped a coat on and have been done with it? Of course, but would there still be dings, dents and holes? Yes. (There still are, but I'm working on this whole patience thing, give me some time!)

Time is already flying by, why should I help it along? We're already at mid-October, where did 2009 go?

I know it's a little late for New Year's Resolutions, but I'm going to make one now - slow down and take notice. Appreciate everything around me, notice everything I see and hear. Take time to laugh, live and enjoy. It's bad enough to be part of the rat race these days, I can at least take time to have fun before even more time just slips away.

Who's with me?!


Aunt Juicebox said...

We must hurry through life so we have more time to watch television of course!

Sharon said...

Hahahahaaa!!! You're right!

Entrepreneur Chick said...

I'm with you! And I took your advice and told three people this week, no- I can't be there. I feel good about it.

>You have brownies delivered in NYC? What kind of people ARE you?! Oh, who cares? I'm moving. Ha.

Sharon said...

Girl, we get EVERYTHING delivered here, are you kidding me???!!! :)

I'm very proud of you for standing up for yourself AND your time by saying "no". You keep looking out for you, got it?


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