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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Great Baby Race

By the end of 2009, I will have 9 new babies in my life. My friends and family have been quite prolific in the last year. It seems everywhere I go, everywhere I look, people are procreating like rabbits. I hope to God it's not contagious.

You would think all this baby activity would make my clock start ticking, but no. Not even a slight hum. I honestly don't know if I have the gene that makes women want to create life. Don't get me wrong, I love babies! I'm thrilled for my friends, and get excited to see what they're experiencing and the life they're creating. I just don't know if I want to make one. I'll do all the horizontal practice it takes, but no babies, please!

Where does the urge come from? I have friends who think about it all the time, and can't wait to experience pregnancy. Im sorry, I don't know...I really don't get it at all. Give me another dog or cat to adopt, now that will get my heart melting!

Is something wrong with me? Am I selfish because I like my life, and my body, the way it is? I feel like if I decide I want children later on and I am no longer able, I can adopt. Problem solved, right?

Would I feel differently if I was in love?


Unknown said...

I agree with you on all levels on this one - in my 20's I couldn't wait to start having babies - my clock was on and running at full speed but now that I am in my 30's I just don't know anymore - I also wonder if that changes once "the one" appears? I've come close to marriage but honestly with all the significant relationships in my life that have happened, there is not one I would have wanted to have children with...

Entrepreneur Chick said...

Yes! Problem solved. Absolutely. Go to those baby showers and don't look back.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I don't know what being in love has to do with it....I love my husband, but I am still torn between whether or not to have a child with him, at almost 36 yrs old. I've always been torn, we've been together 10 yrs. I sometimes think to myself, maybe it's a sign I don't care enough about him, that I'm not willing to just pop out a bunch of rugrats to make him happy, but I'm just being hard on myself. Everytime I hear someone complain about their children - the cost, the fighting, the worries, how to pay for college, etc - I'm always secretly thrilled I only had one.

Sharon said...

You're absolutely right, Juicebox, what the hell does being in love have to do with it? Maybe I just don't have it in me, but I have to admit, hearing my friends talk about the cost, the soccer schedules, all that stuff...not for me!!!

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