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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Never Say This On a Date With an Asian Girl - EVER!!!

My girlfriend L recently joined eHarmony since she wasn't having much luck with meeting men out and about or on the blind date route. I love L, she's a great woman, and we share funny date stories all the time, as her dating history is just as hilarious as mine. She's spoken to a few guys so far, but nothing special yet. I think I got really lucky, I told her, but you have to keep an open mind about it all. After what she just told me though, I wouldn't blame her for abandoning the whole online dating idea completely!

She had a phone call the other night with an accountant she had been having "guided communication" with. He seemed like a nice guy, if a little boring. L is like me - outgoing, loves a good laugh, good conversation, and is looking for an intelligent guy who can keep up. Oh, and I should mention that she's Asian too, in case my post title didn't already tell you that.

The conversation with the accountant wasn't exactly going smoothly. We all know some guys just don't like talking on the phone, but he really didn't bring anything to the conversation, and didn't ask her any questions about herself. To try to engage him, she asked about his hobbies and interests. His answer? Numbers.

***YAWN*** That would have been my cue to excuse myself from the call and get myself in the tub for a nice, long soak with some pretty bubbles. But L, god bless her soul, persevered.

After a few failed attempts at drawing Mr. Numbers out of his shell, she asked him if he typically dates Asians and why. His response was a yes...and the why...?

"When I was younger I watched the movie Karate Kid, and as soon as I saw how submissive and subservient the Japanese girl was, I knew I wanted an Asian girl."

Seriously, this shit can't be made up. On the one hand, at least he was honest. But on the other hand, what did he think she would say, "Oh goody, I've been waiting for a guy like you to come along my whole life!!! Can I sit quietly by your feet while you play with your numbers, darling???"

That is a dude who should just get himself a mail-order bride and call it a day!

L, I admire you being able to hold your tongue. I probably would have told him to shove his numbers up his ass and if he was really looking for subservient, then he should go out and buy himself a blow-up doll.

Keep on laughing and and keep on trying, girl!!!


~Rebekah said...

Oh my goodness! You have to be kidding me? Seriously, no filter? He couldn't have filtered that one? Holy Hannah!

A.T. Post said...

I'm not exactly sure what he thought he stood to gain by actually coming right out and saying that...probably good he did open his mouth and put his foot in it early on, though. Did nobody ever warn this guy not to stereotype one's potential date over the phone...?

Sharon said...

Bex - I know, right? And I think I have no filter!!!

Postman - I think we can chalk this one up to a guy who needs to get a fucking clue. I foresee a green card marriage in his future...!

Entrepreneur Chick said...

Being in business, I am never shocked at the idiots out there.

But this guy... lordGodAlmighty.

Chloe, I was thinking of a doll too! But not the blow up kind, the kind that cost six grand and you have to heat 'em up first. (Because, if you think about it, they're cold. Eww.)

There's an accountant dude I know- not my accountant, but one I often run into at functions. He's stupid just like "L"s guy and is always saying off color and completely inappropriate things to me. Hugging me... BLEH.

Sharon said...

Yeah, this guy is in, special ed. LOL

I was thinking about one of those sex dolls too, but I didn't know what they're called!

Next time the accountant hugs you, tell him you have a bad outbreak of herpes so he should stay away! hahahahahaaaa

Jerry said...

In my life I've botched up many a phone conversation with many a prospective date -- but this tops it all. At least I just said the wrong things -- didn't believe the wrong things.

I saw a nifty comment you left for someone and trailed you back here. You are delightful.

I am going to

Sharon said...

Jerry, thank you for stopping by! Yes, I'd say this guy definitely takes the cake!

Anonymous said...

I must acknowledge that a bit of curiosity and subtlety go a long way to getting what we want in our relationship adventures. Personally, submissive women in bed really captivate my fullest, masculine attention. It is such a shame that intimacy is lost to humoring potential mates and relationships are ignored in favor of online meet-markets. Chloe C, will we ever get these folk back into the journey for true romance? Much love dear, I'm taking notes.

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