As an Asian daughter, I was raised to respect my elders no matter what. I'm not perfect, I'll admit that. I've raised my voice to my mother once or twice, and I have hung up on her a few times, but I always said goodbye as I was hanging up, and I always felt bad after. But with my other elders, I am always respectful no matter what, no matter how much I want to speak my mind or be rude back. Especially not in front of other people. It's just how I was raised.
Having been raised that way, it always strikes me when I see other people disrespecting their elders. So imagine my shock while at the taping of the Martha Stewart Show yesterday, when Martha's daughter Alexis (who was a guest), was rude and frankly, exuded extreme dislike and bitchiness, to her mother. Not even just during the breaks, this was during taping as well. She barely spoke during the segment and when asked a question was flat-out snippy. Her demeanor was that of a really PISSED-OFF person who just obviously didn't want to be there.
It was sad, and I felt bad for Martha because it was just so...blatant. Now, I don't pretend to know anything about their relationship. I know there are stories about what a terrible mother Martha was, and who knows, maybe the stories are true and it was incredibly shitty growing up in that household, but I still have difficulty watching someone treating their parent that way. It's just...wrong and well, disrespectful!
Alexis showed herself to be a petty, mean, bitchy woman, which is never a positive image. And maybe she doesn't care what other people think about her, but it would bother me if I was that person, that's for sure. Especially on national television!
I don't know...I guess that's another part of me that is more Chinese than American.
I feel thoroughly chastened now. I've raised my voice to my mother a few times too. But worse than that, I've picked on her. Been snippy. Even after she's done all these amazingly kind and supportive things for me. Even despite the fact that she is my MOTHER.
Worse yet, I have no idea why. I just do it sometimes. I always feel bad afterward, sure, but I sure wish I could quit doing it in the first place.
I don't wanna be like Martha Stewart's daughter, for Pete's sake! That does it, I'm buying Ma flowers tomorrow. I gotta atone. Thanks for the reminder. Good to know somebody else out there is having similar thoughts. Maybe I should've been born Asian; then I would've remembered better...
I've always admired that about you, how you respect others and you tell yo mamma she did a good job!
Poor Martha. Really. Gosh.
@Postman, did you buy flowers? And ur already adopted-asian, don't worry ;)
E.C., I know, right??? Alexis just had no shame...!
Well, if she has issues with her mother, her efforts might be put to better use by confronting her in private. And if she's merely putting up with mommy for the sweet financial dividends, well, then mommy deserves it until she can ball up and cut her off. I don't understand parents who allow their children to treat them that way, and then continue to shell out money.
You're absolutely right Aunt Juicy! I'm in favor of tough love and cutting apron strings myself, but who knows what stupidities I'll commit when I have kids!
This is absurd and you're right -- I see it more and more in our culture.
Jerry, it's unfortunate how people aren't raised to respect their elders these days, but it's a 2-way street. There definitely has to be some responsibility on Martha's part, but that's still no excuse.
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