So instead of making resolutions at the end of every year, I try to look back at the lessons I've learned over the past year and reflect on my intentions for the coming year. So...what have I learned this year, and what's to come for the next?
10 Lessons I Learned in 2009:
- Be absolutely clear about your intentions and what you want before you put it out there in the universe. If you are, it will happen.
- Always speak up for yourself. Or as Madonna once sang, "Express Yourself"
- If you really don't want to do it, don't.
- Listen to your body when it's trying to tell you something is wrong.
- Do everything and anything that makes you happy at all times; never ignore your desires, doing so kills you a little bit inside.
- When you're experiencing conflict with someone, keep in mind that it's usually not about you, so don't take it personally. It's all ego, don't push because pushing results in more resistance. Let things blow through and they might just turn out okay.
- Be patient.
- Let go of old baggage - tangible and intangible!
- I'm not always right.
- Dwelling on the negative will only perpetuate it and keep you stuck. So get it out of your system and then get over it. If necessary, give yourself a deadline (this works for depression too).
My Intentions for 2010:
- Love with an open heart, don't let the past affect the here and now.
- Use my Gratitude Journal daily - only need to come up with five things a day!
- "Do" more, don't just think about it, and then subsequently forget about it.
- Exercise my creative muscle more - go back to photography, take a painting or writing class.
- Don't worry about things so much, all the worrying in the world isn't going to change things that are out of my control.
- Plan for a vacation, rather than just pick up and go (this will make an overseas trip much easier!).
- Let go of negativity, only surround myself with people who can support this. Stay positive and focused.
- Don't be so hard on myself all the time.
- Listen.
- Celebrate daily. Celebrate life, love, family, friends, food, joy, beauty, art, emotion and inspiration...even fear!