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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Battle Between the Sexes Continues

I came across an article today that sheds yet another ray of light on what makes men, well, men. Seems being around a gorgeous woman could be harmful to a man's health!!!

I'd be curious to read the actual statistics behind this study, but according to the University of Valencia, being around a beautiful woman can cause a man to release the stress hormone, cortisol. According to the article, cortisol can be a factor in heart disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction (oh so that's why it happens sometimes!!!), depression and high blood pressure. So they weren't kidding when they said looks can kill, huh?

Does a beautiful woman make you nervous, gentlemen? Insecure? Hyper-sensitive? Anxious...?

This reminds me of a scene in one of my favorite movies, Beautiful Girls, where Michael Rapaport's character goes on a diatribe about supermodels and beautiful women:

"A beautiful girl can make you dizzy, like you been drinking Jack and Coke all morning. She can make you feel high, full of the single greatest commodity known to man, promise. The promise of a better day. Promise of a greater hope. Promise of a new tomorrow. This particular ore can be found the gate of a beautiful girl. In her smile, and in her the way she makes every rotten little thing in life seem like it's gonna be okay."

He goes on to call beautiful girls "hope dancing in stiletto heels, and all-powerful, which is as good as love."

Really??? Is that how men view us? It all seemed so...promising until that last line!

Gentlemen...we are not objects. We are feeling, thinking, vulnerable souls who love and want to be loved. The vulnerable girl inside of me wants to be taken and protected, but I don't want to be on a pedestal like that. I know now that there is no living up to that fantasy. Just...take me and love me. It's as simple as that. may be time to get back in the dating game again, see if we can find the right dancing partner to glide with me across this dance floor we call earth...

But back to the article, what does a beautiful woman make you feel?


Aunt Juicebox said...

There are a lot of men out there with a death wish then because so many of them feel entitled to a beautiful woman. lol

A.T. Post said...

I'LL say that being around a gorgeous woman stresses us out! It's like looking at a high mountain. We immediately ponder if we're going to be able to surmount it, and seeing how lofty and perfect and intimidating it is, we immediately reckon we've got no chance. It's out of our league. That stresses us out big time.

Or we just automatically assume that she has a boyfriend, because we're too chicken to talk to her, and sink deeper into our lonely beers.

Sharon said...

Aunt Juicy - you're right, and those are the ones you just want to kick in the nuts!

Postman - there is nothing sexier than a man who takes a risk to kindly and respectfully talk to us and ultimately, ask us out. Your lonely beer can wait!

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