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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time to Say That I Am...Me

I often write about my two halves - my Chinese self, and my American self. Most of my life has been spent trying to figure out which half is guiding me, and honestly, it's been a struggle for me. I've always felt like a woman stuck between two worlds.

I think there has always been the part of me who has felt the need to be "Chinese" enough to please my parents. The need to feel like I have a culture, a heritage. Yet I was raised here, as an American, and as an extremely independent person who embraces uniqueness. I have never quite fit in anyone's mold. Thank God!

And now I wonder...why do I feel this need to question myself? Why has it been so difficult for me to accept myself as I am? Why do I need to see it as a split?

My trip to Bali was a quest for healing, rejuvenation and revelation. And during my quest, I decided to stop questioning it all and just love me as I am. I am simply a whole and complete woman with different layers that make up my complex personality. I do have a heritage, I do have a culture and a history, and I embrace that. But regardless of all that, I There, I said it!

In the spirit of this new, whole me, I realized that it was time for me to and put my nom de plume back in the closet. So, my readers, the real me is not Chloe, but...Sharon.

Very nice to meet you. :)


A.T. Post said...

Nice to meet you too! We all love you for who you are, a whole and complete woman with different layers that make up your complex personality (well said!). Glad you've decided to give it a shot as well. Yowzer, you make Bali sound better and better all the time...

CRR said...

Yay!! Good for you! And BTW I miss Sharon!

Aunt Juicebox said...

It's nice that you were able to get some introspection from your trip. :)

Sharon said...

Postman - thank you for loving me for me! It took a trip to Bali for me to come to that realization, but it was soooo worth it :)

QuoteGirl - I miss you too, where have you been???

Aunt Juicy - my trip was amazing...everyone should get a dose of Bali!!!

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