The way some people approach online dating thing absolutely boggles my mind. Yes, I'm back in the saddle again. I figure it's time - I want to find someone to share my life with, and I'm just not meeting anyone out there, you know?
So I reactivated my account, did a little search, and let me tell you...slim pickings. Oye. I haven't been that active, but as a woman in the online dating world, you don't really have to do much work. Post your profile and a pic, and the emails and winks will come. You won't necessarily always like what you see, but weed through it all and you never know. Hey, it worked for me last time, right?
But what amazes me is how many repeaters I've been getting. I mean, if I didn't want to talk to you or go out with you before, what makes you think I would this time around??? I wonder if they know they're repeats. I mean, if I remember their picture, wouldn't they...?
Unfortunately, some of them do remember. For example, I once went on a date with a guy I met online, and it was by far one of the worst dates ever. This guy had to have been one of the most narcissistic, self-absorbed men I've ever met in my life. I have no proof of this, but he just seemed like one of those guys who was always checking himself out in the mirror and blowing himself little kisses. I realize it all must have been a mechanism to mask deep insecurity, but that's an issue for his therapist to resolve.
The dinner started off pleasant enough, but as it progressed, he dominated the conversation with talk of himself, his Mercedes, his apartments, his businesses and how they were nothing until he came on board, etc. It was excruciating. He did pause on occasion, but only to ask, "That's impressive, right?" or, "That's a lot of money, right?". And he asked those questions more than once!
Needless to say, as we were saying good bye and he asked for a second date, I gave him my famous, "I'm sorry, you're very nice but I don't think there's any chemistry here" speech. He didn't take it very well once he got over his shock and as I sped away in my cab. He blew up my phone with texts telling me that I really know how to make a guy feel good about himself and stuff like that. I tried ignoring them, but he just kept texting, so I finally told him I was very sorry he felt that way, and while I did enjoy talking to him, I would rather be honest than waste his time. Of course the jackass had to have the last word so he replied and said, "You're right, there wasn't any chemistry, I felt it." Whatever, dude.
So imagine my surprise when here we are over two years later, and I suddenly get an email via the dating site that says in the subject, "How is Zoe?" and in the body of the message, one of those "long time no speak, let's go out sometime" emails. I clicked on the profile to see who in the world it was and how he knew my beloved dog, Zoe, and OH MY GOD. It was him...The Narcissist. I couldn't believe it. What in the world made him think I would want to speak with him, let alone go out with him again??? Talk about delusional! I didn't even bother replying, just deleted the message, and hoped he would get the message.
Apparently not. A week later, I got a follow up email, asking me, "Why the ignore???"
They're playing by the "If at first you don't succeed try try again" routine.
Heck, what have they got to loose?
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